Mar 9, 2011

Quality Literature at a Discount Rate

Why Poetry Outlet? Because I like poetry and I need an outlet for it. In my imagination and wildest dreams Poetry Outlet is simultaneously a store that sells under appreciated, unpublished and highly criticized literature; an album title; a short story; a play; this blog and a place in which I hope to someday spend a great deal of my time.
I keep a journal (sporadically) but I often find that I am writing for the sake of posterity. I take a tone and word things as if I was telling the future what I think about and how or why I think it. That seems to be what journaling is about, but I do not believe that all of my thoughts are for the future. Some of them are for the present. Some of them may be for a reader of this blog. Most of them are probably just for me.
What can you expect when you visit Poetry Outlet? I really don’t know. Maybe some sort of public journal, probably a scattering of mediocre poems, and always me: a very average young man who happens to think that sharing ideas is important.  

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